Welcome to theIDdoc

I first became drawn to the field of Infectious Diseases very early on in my medical training. Not only because I was absolutely fascinated by microorganisms and their ability to wreak havoc on the human body, but also by how the field intersects with crucial global health issues affecting millions. I truly felt it was a field in which I could create a change and make a difference however small. I know that last statement probably sounds terribly cliche but the field of infectious diseases overwhelmingly attracts altruistic, compassionate and nerdy types – a club I am now proudly a member of :).

Starting my training in Infectious Diseases as a specialty  is the culmination of a journey which has taken me through three continents – Africa, Europe and now North America. On this journey I have had unique exposures and gained different perspectives on the impact of infectious diseases on global health. I have also developed a fascination on how these conversations can be translated into policy that creates tangible change. As I go through my fellowship training years I am excited to share with you ideas on a variety of topics in this area through my blog  and hopefully create a forum for conversations with like minded readers. Welcome to theIDdoc.